Charity Programs

Apart from preaching the words of God and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ across the globe, DAO is also involved in many Humanitarian Aids that cut across countries, ethnic groups, and religions. It’s a commandment form the Lord not to neglect the needy in our society. Proverbs 14:21; Proverbs 28:27Isaiah 58:6-8; Luke 3:11James 1:27.

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Five Loaves and Two Fish

Our Outreach reaches out to provide food relief, (tagged Five Loaves and Two Fish program – Luke 9:16) to thousands annually through our various feeding program, both in cities and rural areas. This includes various feeding programs, to poverty-stricken areas and feeding of malnourished mothers, babies, elderly people, elementary school students, by proving food materials such as, rice, beans, nodules, yams, and others, also, cooked food for the disabled adults and children, provision of free sachets of water and loaves of bread produced by DAO Essentials.

Supporters and volunteers visit to homes, schools, nursing, and senior communities, including less privileged homes and orphanage.

Help From Above

Support Widows and Rural Women in small business Start-up. In the process of sharing the gospel of Christ in the rural areas, we do support the widows and the women who have no means of livelihood, not just only given them food and clothing materials, but also, supporting them financially to start small businesses.

The Samaritan Walk

Part of our programs is to support and surprises small businesses. We have a program, tagged, The Samaritan Walk (Luke 10:33-35) to accomplish this. We occasionally walk along the street or market place of our chosen location unannounced to give out money to any small business sighted along the road to support their business.

JIREH’s Fees

This is our educational program to support students, with the help of our partners, we able to provide tuition grants, uniforms, books, computers, and other educational materials for qualified families and child education in the rural areas.

Medical Support

We have a great team of medical expertise within our volunteers, who performs free medical check-ups, especially for the elderly ones in the communities free of charge, free health advises, and free medications.

Prison Ministry

“A thousand souls” is our prison program, where volunteers and men and women of God and the outreach teams visits several prisons across the UK and outside the UK Yearly.

To Preach the Word of Hope and encouragement and plan surprise Birthdays’ celebration with prisoners and also give out useful gifts.

We also use such occasions to minister Christ to prisoners, pray with them, and win them over to Christ.

The goal of the program is to win the souls of at least a thousand prisoners yearly and have them accept Christ into their lives.

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