What We Do

Through the Vision and Spiritual Knowledge of the Word God blessed Our Lady Dolapo with, Dolapo Awosika Outreach is dedicated to sharing God’s Words and the life-changing Experience of the Characters in the Bible to help believers to begin the Perfect Walk with God.  Using the Social Media Platforms, TV, Radio, and other numerous Media Productions, Live Conferences, Seminars, Crusades, Talent hunts, Reality Shows, and this website to Spread the Gospel across the World.

Through our various Charity Programs, we provide humanitarian aid, feed the hungry, support and encourage widows and rural women to start small scale business to support themselves, visit prisoners and reach out to people of all ages and in all walks of life.

We provide a platform for youths to find their talents early in life and create a communication point between teens and parent, we win souls through Crusade and have daily prayer and Motivational programs that are encouraging, and testimony filled. We provide spiritual support for families and people in relationships through our SMB Clinic (soul-mind and body). We support Education through our School fees grant and we bring God as close to humanity through our reality program. God is real to show case, individuals’ journey with God and His word.

Dolapo Awosika Outreach is built on four Pillars, we call the PET-PLAN, everyone is born for a (P) Purpose – (E). There are events that bring about this purpose, (T) There is a timing for this purpose to begin and (P) God’s Plan for this purpose to be fulfilled.  The Outreach is built on a foundation of faith, integrity and dedicated supporters and Volunteers who share this vision.

(Jeremiah 29:11)

We provide a platform for youths to find their talents early in life and create a communication point between teens and parent, we win souls through Crusade and have daily prayer and Motivational programs that are encouraging, and testimony filled. We provide spiritual support for families and people in relationships through our SMB Clinic (soul-mind and body). We support Education through our School fees grant and we bring God as close to humanity through our reality program. God is real to show case, individuals’ journey with God and His word.

Dolapo Awosika Outreach is built on four Pillars, we call the PET-PLAN, everyone is born for a (P) Purpose – (E). There are events that bring about this purpose, (T) There is a timing for this purpose to begin and (P) God’s Plan for this purpose to be fulfilled.  The Outreach is built on a foundation of faith, integrity and dedicated supporters and Volunteers who share this vision.

(Jeremiah 29:11)

With the prayers and support of our friends and partners around the world, we present a creative and relevant message of Christ and God’s love for all believers across the globe using the most powerful forms of media and communications available, as well as the development and distribution of practical daily teaching.

We are the new Army that God is raising, to prepare His people for the Noah’s Last Ark, and teach Believers and non-Believers alike how to put on the Armor of God to withstand the challenges and trials they face in life, using the truth in the world to lead a righteous life and putting their faith in God’s Power only knowing that salvation is the ultimate goal.

(Ephesians 6:10-18)

Our goal is to reach every believer, every non-believer, all Man Kind, in every City, every Nation, every Country, every day using Spirit filled word to teach them how to become Christ like to perfect their walk with God, fulfil their mission on earth and make heaven.
Proverbs 14:21


Global Presence

Social Media Presence

Our presence on all Social Media platforms are visible. We are on:

Daily Live Program


Main website, www.dolapoawosika.org, a user friendly websites that attracts visitors across the globe.



Lady Evangelist Dolapo Awosika in one of our quarterly conference thorough Zoom


Dolapo has anchored many Live Stream programs, teachings based on the bible characters and everyday challenge that people can apply to perfect their walk with God. All these are available for free on all our Social Media pages and can be downloaded for personal use.

Humanitarian Aid

Five Loaves and Two fishes

We reach out to provide food relief to thousands annually and a rescue mission operation. This includes various feeding programs, to poverty-stricken areas and feeding of malnourished mothers and babies.

Supporters and Volunteers

They visit area homes, schools, nursing, and senior communities, including Less Privileged homes and Orphanage.

Help From Above

We support Widows and Rural Women in small business Start-up.

Incognito Teens

We help give a voice to the youth and bridge the Gap in communication with Youth and their Parents and provide a platform to display God given Talent.

Jireh Fees

We provide grants to qualified families towards School Fees, Books, and Uniform to support and Child Education in the Rural Environs.

A Thousand Souls

Is the Outreach prison ministry, where volunteers and men and women of God and the outreach teams visit several prisons across the UK and Outside the UK Yearly.

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